Dare to say no

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Most organizations understand they need to satisfy their clients and make them happy. But sometimes the costs to serve are higher than the benefits. Would you do anything to please your clients? Do you know when it is better to say no?

Target specific clients

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Each market is different and there are many types of clients. Some pay little and switch fast. Others want more and remain loyal. Who do you want to be for whom? Which value propositions set you apart? For which clients?

Determine client influence

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Flexibility to satisfy client needs usually is constrained. Some clients require a tailormade product or service. Others accept your standard offering. Have you made a conscious decision? How far do clients influence the way you operate?

Make money

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Revenue must outweigh costs to serve. Meeting client expectations should be in balance with efficiency requirements. How complex is the delivery of the products or services to your clients? How easy is it to make money?

Did you know?

  • Striving for great client experiences solves root cause issues, reduces cost to serve and increases loyalty.
  • Over 80% of consumers are willing to pay more for a better experience.
  • Almost 90% of consumers may switch to a competitor following a poor experience.
  • A good client experience may result in 140% increase in customer spend.
  • Happy clients are almost twice as likely to stay loyal to you.

*According to research published by Oracle and HBR